Charles David Todd, better known as Chuck Todd, is a famous American television journalist who has vigorously worked in the show biz business. He currently serves as the Meet the Press moderator of NBC television. Moreover, he also hosts different shows like MTP Daily and MSNBC for NBC News.

This journalist is also known for his hosting in the political news talk show ‘The Daily Rundown‘ in 2010. This show aired during the weekends. His journalism career has already celebrated the silver jubilee, and he is now one of the most successful television journalists.

While we discuss his topic, he is also a good-looking man who has pleased his audience with his charming looks. So, let’s further know more about Chuck Todd height, weight, and overall body measurements.

Chuck Todd
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Chuck Todd’s Height

This celebrated journalist has maintained his body so well that every audience is amazed by his looks and personality. Chuck Todd stands at the height of 5 feet and 2.5 inches (1.6m/1.60cm) tall.

Moreover, this 51 years old man has kept his body fit and healthy, weighing about 62 kg (136lbs). His overall body measures 38-30-35 inches, respectively. Furthermore, his blue eye color and brown hair color reflect his fantastic personality.

Chuck Todd
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More about his life

Mr. Todd was born on 8 April 1972 in Miami, Florida, the United States, to his parents Stephen Randolph Todd and Lois Cheri. He was born with the sun sign of Aries. After Chuk completed his studies, he joined ‘The Hotline’ of National Journal and worked for six years. Eventually, he then joined NBC in 2007. He received huge fame and name working in NBC.

Moreover, he worked as a political director. He is currently the 12th moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press. Likewise, he is also the NBC News’ on-air political analyst for NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt and Today. Chuck has earned handsome wealth working in the media field. He has an estimated net worth of $60 million as of now.

Talking more about his marriage life, he tied a knot with Kristian Denny Todd, the co-founder of Maverick Strategies and Mail. This happy couple is blessed with two children named Harrison Todd and Margaret Todd.

Chuck Todd
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